Gallup’s Report Shows People in Emotional Turmoil Worldwide - Organizations Can Make a Difference with DISC Assessments

This image is a beautiful representation of how emotions can change and flow throughout the day. To me it represents taking a disappointment or perhaps a misunderstanding during the day, handling the negative thoughts, and returning to a positive mindset, enabling you to continue working in a productive state of mind.

In its 2022 Global Emotions Report, Gallup concluded that the combination of stress, sadness, anger, worry, and physical pain set record highs since the inception of the report. Navigating a pandemic, economic challenges, and more, people around the world are tired, fearful, frustrated, and angry. The last few years have felt especially challenging for everyone, and work often plays a big role in that.

People spend more time at work than they do at home with their families, so dealing with immense stress and pressure in the workplace can lead to unprecedented levels of negative emotions outside the workplace. Interestingly, according to Gallup, those who feel miserable at work are more likely to experience negative emotions than people who do not work at all.

In a time when the smallest adjustments can have a big impact, employers should be using all the tools at their discretion to ensure work/life balance, reduced stress levels, and overall satisfaction in the workplace. Understanding each employee as an individual, monitoring their stressors, and helping them navigate personal challenges is complex, but DISC is a tool that helps employees and employers find harmony within their organizations.

DISC in the Workplace

DISC, like many other personality assessments, uses a detailed quiz to identify which of the letters, D, I, S, or C, people resonate with most. It’s important to understand that each person will have some combination of characteristics, but often lean more towards one or two.

The amazing fact about personality is that given the situation, a person can morph into other colors as indicated by the flower changing colors. This means that the proper environment can help them handle their emotions and recover from a negative incident during the day.

Not only will identifying each employee’s DISC style help employers best support their teams, but it’s a great way to help teams navigate challenging dynamics and figure out how to work as a cohesive unit. With this information on hand, team leaders can help anticipate stressors for each person on their team or identify problems that may arise.

Dealing with Stress as a “D” Employee

Known for “dominance,” people who identify closely with the D personality profile will often be go-getters who love to work quickly, solve problems, and focus on efficiency above all else. They like to make decisions and be in control of the outcome, which can lead to stress in group situations where others may not be moving as quickly or efficiently as they are.

Losing authority, not having a “say” in certain situations, or feeling out of control can be very stressful for D personalities, leading to short tempers, poor communication, and hurtful comments. In order to mitigate stress for D’s, offer opportunities to thrive independently or include them in decision-making processes when applicable. Giving some sense of control to D’s can reduce stress, increase job satisfaction, and improve job performance.

Dealing with Stress as an “I” Employee

Employees that resonate most strongly with the “I” profile, will often be the social butterflies who seek a sense of belonging and teamwork. The “I” stands for “influence,” and many great team players will have a natural talent to do just that. However, I’s need a sense of belonging in the workplace, without it, they will feel a lack of engagement or connection to what they do.

If stressed, I’s can become detached from the work that they are doing, but their influence and enthusiasm are critical to the team’s success. In order to keep them happy, let them take the lead on social events or collaborative working sessions. By offering new experiences and chances to network often, your I team members will excel, providing invaluable energy to your team’s dynamic.

Dealing with Stress as an “S” Employee

The “S” in DISC stands for “steadiness.” These employees seek routine and don’t do well under constant changes. Preferring to maintain status quo and quick to avoid change, those with the S profile can become bullish when under stress. They may be overly critical or point out all the risks of a new endeavor, but their thoughtfulness can help navigate missteps in the long run.

To keep the S’s on your team happy, try and help them create a routine that works for them. Getting them involved early in the planning process for any big changes can benefit the employee and team immensely; instead of being a roadblock, they will have time to process the changes and adjust, and the team will trust their judgment. Be patient with your S’s; they are coming from the right place but sometimes need extra encouragement to embrace change.

Dealing with Stress as a “C” Employee

The “conscientious” employees on your team will be calculated and meticulous, often thinking further ahead than you realize. They prefer structure, control, and deep levels of information before getting on board. With very logic-forward thinking, the C’s on your team can struggle with ambiguity or hypothetical situations.

When helping C team members combat stress, provide as much information as you can and offer them the opportunity to look over materials before meetings. Often struggling to think on their feet, C’s will blow you away when given ample time to prepare. Be clear with your expectations and provide detailed feedback to help C’s avoid workplace stress.

Small Changes Make a Big Difference

Combating workplace stress is just one way to utilize DISC profiles in the workplace, but it can make a huge difference in the lives of your employees. With people being under stress from every other angle, removing a bit of stress at work is invaluable. If enough organizations focus on making small, meaningful changes, maybe we will see some better numbers from Gallup next year.

#DISC #emotions #careersuccess #leadership #management #stress #worry

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